All our homes are situated in lovely neighborhoods with driving distance to shopping malls, community centers, churches, libraries and swimming pools.
Click here to view all the amenities.
To ensure the safety of our residents, we maintain a handicap accessible van to transport them safely from their group home residences to Day Support Centers,
shopping trips, local entertainment events, and medical appointments.
Current Service Areas
1. Alexandria, Virginia
2. Herndon, Virginia
We develop service plans that are based on the individuals’ abilities, needs, interests, and vision for the future.
We encourage individuals personal choices by creating accommodations that break problematic areas down to more achievable steps, so the person increases
the likehood of full community participation and success.
Come see us and make arrangement to tour our homes or view some photos of the residences. The rooms are spacious,
comfortable and most importantly, home-like with a large yard and play area.