Home > Virginia Medicaid Waiver

Virginia Medicaid Waiver

If you have a loved one or family member who has been diagnosed an intellectual disability, you have probably heard of Virginia Medicaid Waivers but might be wondering what the term means, how waivers work or even how to get a Virginia Medicaid waiver.


Medicaid and Medicaid Waivers are part of the network of services for people with disabilities in Virginia. Virginia’s Medicaid Waivers allow people with disabilities to receive services in private homes or residential group homes and day support centers, like The Brambles, instead of receiving services in nursing homes or large facilities including training facilities.


There are several types of waivers currently available in Virginia including the Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disabilities (MR/ID) Waiver and the Day Support Waiver.


Services under the MR/ID and Day Support waivers are authorized for one year, with an annual review by the case manager. As long as the individual is still eligible and in need of services the funding should renew.


There is often a long waiting list of people who have applied for waivers and only so many waivers available. This can be discouraging for families trying to get the support their loved one needs. Even so, it is important to get on the waiting list. As the General Assembly reviews the need for various services and funding priorities there are times they approve the release more waivers or additional funding, so it is a good idea to get your loved one on the waiting list even if the list is long.


With state run facilities and training centers closing around Virginia it is more important than ever to make sure you understand Medicaid waivers and how you can place your loved one in a loving residential program like The Brambles.


For more information on Virginia Medicaid Waivers click to read more or contact your local Community Services Board (CSB) or Behavioral Health Authority (BHA) or click to read more.



We are proud member of Virginia Network of Private Providers, member of National Alliance on Mental Illness.


Current Service Areas
1. Alexandria, Virginia
2. Herndon, Virginia


We offer a variety of activities designed to build skill through individualized supports and training in several areas….